SSB Field Day 2011

The first major effort by the group was in the RSGB/IARU Region 1 Field Day. We based ourselves in a field in North West Gloucestershire and set up a station to enter in the Open section.

We had a 30 foot trailer tower and recently acquired 3 element tri-band yagi for 20/15/10m. A Cushcraft MA8040 and dipoles covered the low bands. The radio was an Elecraft K3 with P3 pan-adapter along with an Expert 1k-FA amplifier to give us 400W.

The weather was very favourable during erection and packing up, but there was rain overnight on the Saturday.

Our claimed score as submitted is:

Contest         : IARU Field-Day R1 (RSGB)
Callsign        : M0VSQ/P
Mode            : PHONE
Category        : Multi Operator - Single Transmitter (MS)
Overlay         : Open
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  :
Locator         :
Operating time  : 20h16

   80    85   0  10     401  4.72
   40   270   7  37    1093  4.05
   20   190   5  36     716  3.77
   15    27   2  14      79  2.93
   10     2   0   1       6  3.00
TOTAL   574  14  98    2295  4.00
      TOTAL SCORE : 224 910

Operators       : M0PCB M0SPF M0TAY G0HVQ M0GEJ 2E0OKK G0NXA

The log was submitted on time and initial indications are that we are going to end up in the top half of the results table! Not bad for the first effort with less than ideal antennas.